Cameron Saaiman

Up to date stats, upcoming events, and fight history for Cameron Saaiman.

Cameron Saaiman
Cameron Saaiman
TagsBantamweight Division
Height (in)68.00
Weight (lb)147.00
Arm Reach (in)67.00
Leg Reach (in)39.00
UFC DebutDec. 10, 2022
BornPretoria, South Africa
Fighting StyleMMA
Cameron Saaiman
Record (W::L::D)9/2/0
Wins By Knockout6
Wins By Submission1
First Round Finishes3
Avg Fight Time10:56
Sig Strike Accuracy %47%
Sig Strike Defense %52%
Take Down Accuracy %29%
Takedown Defence %47%
Cameron Saaiman
Payton Talbott
2 - 0:21
Christian Rodriguez
Decision - Unanimous
3 - 5:00
Terrence Mitchell
1 - 3:10
Mana Martinez
Majority Decision
3 - 5:00
Steven Koslow
3 - 4:13

Upcoming Events

Upcoming fights for Cameron Saaiman.
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Historic Events

Below are the historic events that we have tracked to-date.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Cameron Saaiman is 23 years old.

Cameron Saaiman's UFC debut was on Dec. 10, 2022.

Cameron Saaiman's recorded weight is 147.00 lbs (66.82 kg). Cameron Saaiman's currently fighting in the Bantamweight division.

Cameron Saaiman's next fight is on 04-27-2025. They are fight number 3 on the Hill vs Rountree Jr. card.