Loik Radzhabov

Up to date stats, upcoming events, and fight history for Loik Radzhabov.

Loik Radzhabov
Loik Radzhabov
TagsLightweight Division
Height (in)71.00
Weight (lb)173.00
Arm Reach (in)69.00
Leg Reach (in)39.00
UFC DebutMar. 4, 2023
Fighting StyleBoxing
Loik Radzhabov
Record (W::L::D)18/5/1
Wins By Knockout0
Wins By Submission0
First Round Finishes0
Avg Fight Time11:08
Sig Strike Accuracy %43%
Sig Strike Defense %46%
Take Down Accuracy %58%
Takedown Defence %56%
Loik Radzhabov

Fighter history is not available at the moment.

Upcoming Events

Loik Radzhabov has no upcoming events

Historic Events

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Frequently Asked Questions

Loik Radzhabov is 33 years old.

Loik Radzhabov's UFC debut was on Mar. 4, 2023.

Loik Radzhabov's recorded weight is 173.00 lbs (78.64 kg). Loik Radzhabov's currently fighting in the Lightweight division.

Loik Radzhabov doesn't have any upcoming scheduled fights.